All Rise for the Honorable Perry T. Cook

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By Leslie Connor

Overview: This story is cute at some points and sad at others. I really felt like the story was happening in real time and I could not help but get frustrated when annoying things happened to the main character. I would recommend this to people grades four to sixth. Includes a few minorly mature topics relating to the crimes some of Perry’s friends had committed, but other than that, the content was fine. Reading level may be a little low for older or more advanced readers.

What’s it about? Eleven-year-old Perry was born and raised by his mom at the Blue River Co-ed Correctional Facility in tiny Surprise, Nebraska. His mom is a resident on Cell Block C, and so far Warden Daugherty has made it possible for them to be together. That is, until a new district attorney discovers the truth—and Perry is removed from the facility and forced into a foster home. It was eye-opening to read what goes on in a correctional facility such as Blue River, and shocking to see how our perception of criminals varies from most of the people imprisoned. This book was super interesting the whole time and it really kept me hooked!

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