By Neal Shusterman Overview: It’s books like these that blow me away. The Scythe series is not only entertaining, but its also very thought provoking. Persons grades seven and up would love this book. The topics might be hard for younger kids to wrap their heads around, and the reading


By Phillip Reeve Overview: The plot and whole premise of Municipal Darwinism was actually super interesting. It was crazy to think about how that works and the worldbuilding was actually really good. I did not like the way it was written, however, (see the My Thoughts section) but I would


By Stacy McAnulty Overview: I loved this book! It was funny, heartwarming, and adorable all at once! The characters are so well developed, and each one grows throughout the book. Kids around the grades of 6 through eighth grade might enjoy this book. No mature topics, and the reading level


By Sharon Gosling Overview: The Diamond Thief is extremely entertaining, with heists, steampunk amazingness, and well developed, interesting characters! I’d say kids in grades six and up would enjoy it, but the content is fine for younger, advanced readers.

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